Terms of trade

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All prices are daily prices and only valid on the day of booking. Prices are subject to change from day to day. Buyer will be invoiced at the price applicable on the day of order, if Fit4life-fitness accepts the order. All prices are shown incl. tax


The account information you enter when purchasing is sent directly to PBS in encrypted form (SSL), which only you and PBS can read. Thus, no one else sees or stores the information about you. When purchasing with a Debit or credit card, the amount will be deducted from your account as soon as the item departs from Fit4life-fitness.


There is no right of complaint on the diet and exercise plans.


You cannot undo the purchase when the plans have been delivered


Subject to change:
Fit4life-fitness reserves the right to change and update the terms and conditions applicable to this website.


It is therefore a good idea to keep an eye on whether changes are being made.